Business Plan
The Business Plan is guided by the Mandate Letter and sets out the strategic business objectives, performance targets and business strategy for the next five years. This is updated annually and also informed by changes in market conditions and the Agency’s evolution.
Mandate Letter
The Mandate Letter is issued to Invest Ontario by the Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, outlining the objectives, priorities and expectations for the organization in the next five years. The letter serves as a roadmap to drive growth, attract investment and support Ontario’s competitiveness. This is updated annually and also informed by changes in market conditions and the Agency’s evolution.
Annual Reports
The Invest Ontario Annual Reports highlight the Agency's accomplishments and performance results for each respective fiscal year.

Memorandum of Understanding
The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is between the Chair of the Invest Ontario Board of Directors and the Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade. The MOU sets out the framework for accountability and the working relationships between the Minister, the Deputy Minister, the Chair, the Board of Directors, and the Chief Executive Officer. It ensures appropriate and adequate administrative, accountability, financial and reporting provisions are in place.
Financial statements
The Invest Ontario financial statements are prepared by management in accordance with Canadian Public Sector Accounting Standards and audited by the Auditor General of Ontario (auditor of record for Invest Ontario).